ORLANDO, FL - The MoveOn.org / Fox News poll pre-election day exit poll shows that former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich has taken a surprising lead as a write-in candidate in the Florida gubernatorial election. This latest poll, shows Blagojevich leading with 36% of voters, followed by billionaire Rick Scott and Alex Sink tied at 32% each.
Political analyst Harvey Bearishafertz attributed this surprising turn of events as a reaction to the negative ads that have bombarded Florida voters since primary day. "The electorate was convinced that both Scott, the Republican candidate, and Sink, the Democrat, were lying, thieving bastards", Bearishfertz said. "The voters are taking comfort in knowing that Blagojevich has never been convicted, or even charged, with defrauding Floridians. The voters know that he has been involved in some peskiness in Illinois, but all in all, he seems to be of better character than most Florida politicians." "And", said Bearishfertz, "he has already been a governor of one of these United States, so he should be ready to govern on day one."
It is not unusual for high-profile politicians to run as write-in candidates. In fact, Florida's present governor, Charles "Chucky" Chris, is running for the United States Senate as a write-in candidate after slinking out of the Republican Party this summer. "Just like a f_____g rat leaving the ship, said Marco Rubio, the Republican senatorial candidate."
Asked whether she was bothered that Blagojevich is not a Florida resident, Palm Beach resident Dorothy Suzy Winsor pointed out to this reporter that "Sink is from North Carolina, and Scott is from New York." "If you want a real Floridian to be governor, you should elect one of those Seminoles, that is, if you could tear them away from the Hard Rock Casinos."
Asked the same question of Mrs. Winsor's maid, Ms. Miranda Cortez answered: "Yo soy un inmigrante ilegal y no votan. No sé una mierda de la política."
Polls close at 6:00 P.M. in Florida.
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