TALLAHASSEE, FL - The annual MoveOn.org / Fox News poll, conducted less than one month before the 2010 elections, shows that the negative television commercials are not being well received by Florida voters. While most voters who are avid television watchers enjoyed the playful bantering of candidates leading up to the primary elections when the attack ads were more interesting than summer re-runs, the mood of television watchers in this state has changed, now that they have "Dancing with the Stars" or "Survivor - Nicaragua" interrupted by the candidates reminding the viewers that their opponents are crooks.
Echoing the sentiments expressed by many voters, Plant City resident Alex Scott, a self-employed radish farmer, told the pollster that he has no favorite pony in this year's races. "Shit", said Scott, I know that Rick Scott protected our Constitution by repeating the fifth part of it 75 times, but I would sooner find out if Tinactin will help me stop scratching my nuts." [Editor's Note: Alex Scott is not related to candidate Rick Scott, or so he says.]
Sam Glob of Okeechobee, Florida, was a voter who favored watching senatorial candidate commercials. Glob said that watching "the flip-flopper, the spic, and the darkie tear into one'nother is more fun than eating peanuts." Mr. Glob doesn't plan to vote in this year's election as a protest against Obamacare.
Boca Raton resident, Melonie Goldfarb, a post-menopausal retired beautician from Toledo, was among the undecided group of those polled. Admitting that she will vote for a straight Democratic ticket, she said that for a while she watched some feminine hygiene commercials instead. "Sanitary napkins never had wings in my days" she cackled. "Now I just TiVo pass them all when I watch Oprah or The View.
The MoveOn.org / Fox News poll has a margin of error of 7.25%, compounded annually.
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