FDA to Promote Benefits of Suicide
GARY, IN - The Funeral Directors of America (FDA) have announced an advertising campaign to be launched Thanksgiving Week to inform the public of the financial and social benefits of suicide. Stressing that "we must all go sometime", the campaign which will appear in selected media where the trade group feels it will have the most impact. The advertising campaign will be modified slightly depending upon its target audience.
"The FDA will stress the financial benefits to the wealthy elderly in print ads in The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times, pointing out that the "death tax" relief granted by the Bush Tax Cuts will expire on December 31, 2012, substantially increasing the estate tax on persons dying January 1, 2013, and thereafter. "It makes sound financial sense to terminate what frequently is a poor quality of life while saving your heirs potentially millions of dollars in unnecessary taxes", said W. W. von Gerber, the FDA public affairs officer. "Think of your suicide as a Christmas gift to your family," von Gerber said.
The print ads in publications such as USA Today and the AARP Journal, aimed at the larger group of the less wealthy middle class, have a slightly different emphasis. While mentioning the potential tax savings of a 2012 suicide, the ads also mention the benefits of timely death to minimize the effect of death on friends and family. "We advise selecting a date that will permit a weekend service so that friends who want to attend will not lose time from work, particularly in these troubled economic times", said von Gerber. "Also, you won't want to disrupt family vacation plans, such as a Christmas trip to Disney or Legoland.."
The advertising campaign has obtained the unqualified approval of The Hemlock Society, The National Cremation Society, and the NRA.
"There are great Black Friday deals offered by many of our members this year. Look for coupons in Thursday's advertising flyers, and there will be specials on urns and cemetery markers on Amazon and eBay" von Gerber said in his announcement.
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